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quebrada是什么意思 quebrada的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 03:15:38
  • 122

quebrada是什么意思 quebrada的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性:quebrada可以用作名词,形容词或动词

2. 含义:常常表示“小河流”、“峡谷”、“山脊”、“断崖”、“陡峭的下坡道”等意思

3. 语境:这个单词通常用于南美洲和西班牙语国家,比较少在英语国家使用

4. 用途:可以用来描述自然景观、地理特征、建筑物位置等内容

5. 同义词:ravine、gully、cliff、slope、ridge等


1. 这座小镇旁边有一条深深的quebrada,里面长满了树木和灌木。

2. 这家酒店坐落在一座山脊上,可以俯瞰整个quebrada的美景。

3. 在前往目的地的路上,我们要经过一条陡峭的quebrada,司机时要特别小心。

4. 他们在quebrada中建了一个小木屋,用来度假和观赏自然风光。

5. 这个地区的主要景点是一条名为El Salto的quebrada,人们经常在这里徒步旅行和拍照。


1. The small town was located next to a deep quebrada, which was covered with trees and bushes.

2. The hotel was perched on a ridge overlooking the beautiful scenery of the quebrada.

3. On the way to our destination, we had to cross a steep quebrada, and the driver had to be very careful.

4. They built a small cabin in the quebrada, which was used for vacation and enjoying the natural scenery.

5. The main attraction of the region was a quebrada called El Salto, where people often go hiking and taking photos.


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