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dearm是什么意思 dearm的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-11 01:27:15
  • 205

dearm是什么意思 dearm的读音、翻译、用法


1. 可能是一个拼写错误或者打字错误,正确的词应该是'dream'(梦想、梦幻)。


- I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.(我有一个梦想,就是有一天这个国家会站起来,实现它的信条的真正意义。)

- I had a dream last night that I was flying in the clouds.(我昨晚做了一个梦,梦见我在云层中飞翔。)

2. 可能是一个人名(Dearm),是某些人的名字缩写。


- Dearm Johnson是我朋友的名字缩写,他常常被人称为DJ。(Dearm Johnson is the abbreviation of my friend's name, and he is often referred to as DJ.)

3. 可能是一个缩写词,代表某种组织或者概念。


- DEARM代表Digital Entertainment Asset Rights Management(数字娱乐资产权益管理),是一家虚拟真实资产交易平台的名字缩写。(DEARM stands for Digital Entertainment Asset Rights Management, which is the abbreviation of a virtual real asset trading platform.)

- DEARM是一个仁爱之家的缩写,是一家为残疾人和弱势群体提供服务的组织。(DEARM is the abbreviation for a home of love, which is an organization that provides services for people with disabilities and vulnerable groups.)

4. 可能是英文中完全没有意义的乱码或者符号组合。


- The message I received was full of gibberish, including words like 'dearm' that make no sense at all.(我收到的信息充满了无意义的乱码,包括像“dearm”这样的完全没有意义的单词。)


1. I don't know what 'dearm' means.(我不知道“dearm”是什么意思。)

2. Dearm Jones is the CEO of our company.(Dearm Jones是我们公司的CEO。)

3. DEARM is a revolutionary platform for virtual asset exchange.(DEARM是一个性的虚拟资产交换平台。)

4. The email I received was full of typos, including the word 'dearm' instead of 'dream'.(我收到的电子邮件里错别字很多,包括把“dream”错写成了“dearm”。)

5. The strange symbol 'dearm' appeared on my computer screen for no reason.(奇怪的符号“dearm”突然出现在我的电脑屏幕上,不知道为什么。)


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