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urge是什么意思 urge的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-10 12:27:20
  • 209

urge是什么意思 urge的读音、翻译、用法




1. urge sb. to do sth.:敦促某人做某事

2. urge on:催促,鼓励,推动

3. urge that:强烈建议,坚决要求

4. have the urge to:有想做某事的冲动

5. resist the urge to:克制想做某事的冲动

6. urge against:反对,不赞成

7. under the urge of:在...的促使下


1. urge for/ hunger for:渴望,迫切需要

2. irresistible urge:无法抗拒的冲动

3. urge to splurge:购物欲望

4. the urge to purge:催吐欲

5. peer pressure urge:同龄人压力

6. ual urge:性冲动

7. urge control:自我控制



1. I urge you to think twice before such a decision.(我强烈建议你在做出这样的决定之前三思而后行。)

2. The coach urged the team on to victory.(教练鼓励队员去赢得胜利。)

3. She had a sudden urge to run away.(她突然有一种逃跑的冲动。)

4. I had to resist the urge to eat the whole cake.(我不得不克制住想吃掉整个蛋糕的冲动。)

5. The doctor urged against smoking.(医生反对吸烟。)

6. Under the urge of hunger, I bought a candy bar.(在饥饿的驱使下,我买了一块糖果棒。)

7. She had an urge for adventure.(她渴望冒险。)


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