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best it是什么意思 best it的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-01 14:48:02
  • 287

best it是什么意思 best it的读音、翻译、用法

'best it' 并不是一个常见的词汇或短语,因此可以理解为一个口语化的表达方式。一种较为常见的理解是将它解释为“尽力而为”,即在某个任务或目标中尽力达到最佳水平。





发音拼写:/best ɪt/


1. 我们不知道结果会如何,们一定要尽力而为。

We don't know how it will turn out, but we have to do our best.

2. 在比赛中,每个选手都会尽力而为,争取获得最佳成绩。

In the competition, every athlete will do their best to achieve the best results.

3. 常言道:“做事要三思而后行,但也要尽力而为。”

It is often said that "think twice before you act, but also do your best".

4. 我知道这项任务很困难,但请你尽力而为。

I know this task is difficult, but please do your best.

5. 我们尽力而为,但结果并不总是如我们所愿。

We do our best, but the result is not always what we expected.

6. 有时候我们虽然尽力而为,但仍然无法实现我们的目标。

Sometimes we do our best, but we still can't achieve our goals.

7. 在生活和工作中,我们应该始终保持积极向上的态度,尽力而为。

In life and work, we should always maintain a positive attitude and do our best.


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