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Wulala是什么意思 Wulala的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-05 08:28:08
  • 88

Wulala是什么意思 Wulala的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源及含义


2. 用法和语境


3. 区别和误解



1. 看到自己的成绩被公布,小明高兴地大喊:“Wulala,我考了95分!”

2. 在网上购物时,小红发现心仪的商品正在打折,欣喜地大叫:“Wulala,太划算了!”

3. 与好友聚会时,小芳看到了自己喜欢的明星,忍不住高声喊道:“Wulala,我太幸福了!”


1. When she received the news that she got the job, she exclaimed, "Wulala, this is amazing!"

2. After winning the competition, the team shouted "Wulala!" with joy and excitement.

3. When the concert began, the audience screamed "Wulala" as their favorite singer emerged on stage.

4. When the football team scored a goal, the fans chanted "Wulala" to celebrate the victory.

5. When she saw her new dress, she couldn't help but say "Wulala, I look stunning!"


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