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gounod是什么意思 gounod的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-11 07:01:20
  • 973

gounod是什么意思 gounod的读音、翻译、用法


1. Gounod作为人名

Gounod是一个法国人的姓氏,法国作曲家查尔尔·歌诺(Gounod, Charles)就是其中之一。在这个方面,我们可以探讨与Gounod相关的音乐作品、生平等方面的内容。


- Charles Gounod is best known for his opera Faust. (查尔斯·歌诺最著名的作品是歌剧《浮士德》。)

- Gounod was born on June 17, 1818 in Paris. (歌诺于1818年6月17日出生在巴黎。)

- The melody of Gounod's Ave Maria is based on the Prelude No. 1 in C major by Johann Sebastian Bach. (歌诺的《颂》的旋律基于约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·的C大调前奏曲第一号。)

2. Gounod作为缩写词



- The airport's IATA code is GND, which stands for Maurice Bishop International Airport. (这个的IATA代码是GND,代表毛里斯·毕晓普国际。)

- The GPS coordinates of the Grand Anse beach in Grenada is N12.00333, W61.74167 GND. (格林纳达岛的Grand Anse海滩的GPS坐标是北纬12.00333度、西经61.74167度GND。)

- The control tower received a message from the pilot stating that the plane will be arriving at GND shortly. (塔台收到了飞行员发来的消息,称飞机即将到达GND。)

3. Gounod作为拼写错误



- I typed "gonud" instead of "Gounod" in my essay and got a lower grade. (我的文章里拼写成了“gonud”,得了较低的分数。)

- The website recognized "Gounod" as a typo and suggested "Gonad" instead. (这个网站将“Gounod”识别为拼写错误,建议改为“Gonad”。)

- The spell-checker on my computer keeps correcting my "Gounod" to "Ground". (我的电脑拼写检查器一直把我的“Gounod”改为“Ground”。)


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