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coakley是什么意思 coakley的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 07:12:28
  • 70

coakley是什么意思 coakley的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义和发音方面

- Coakley是一个英语姓氏,通常发音为[kohk-lee]。

- 在某些场合下,Coakley也可以作为缩写词,代表不同的组织或概念。

- Coakley的意义和使用范围会根据具体情境而有所不同。


- Mr. Coakley is a well-known lawyer in town. (Coakley作为人名)

- The COAKLEY project aims to promote energy efficiency in buildings. (Coakley作为缩写词)

2. 历史和文化方面

- Coakley这个姓氏源于爱尔兰,最早出现在14世纪的文献中。

- Coakley家族在美国历史上有一定影响力,曾有成员担任过家、企业家等职务。

- Coakley也是一部分人的中间名,常见于爱尔兰裔美国人的家庭中。


- The Coakley family has a long history of serving the community. (Coakley作为姓氏)

- Mary Ellen Coakley was the first woman to serve on the city council. (Coakley作为中间名)

3. 字谜和幽默方面

- Coakley这个单词可以被拆分成"e"和"ley"两部分,可以和可乐和芥末这类词汇玩弄字谜。

- Coakley也可以用来开玩笑或者表示不好意思。


- I ordered a e, but they gave me a Coakley instead. (Coakley作为玩笑)

I can't find the mus. Can you please pass me the Coakley? (Coakley作为替代品)


1. Mr. Coakley is a well-known lawyer in town. (Coakley作为人名)

2. The Coakley family has a long history of serving the community. (Coakley作为姓氏)

3. I ordered a e, but they gave me a Coakley instead. (Coakley作为玩笑)

4. The COAKLEY project aims to promote energy efficiency in buildings. (Coakley作为缩写词)

I can't find the mus. Can you please pass me the Coakley? (Coakley作为替代品)


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