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barricaded是什么意思 barricaded的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-21 07:07:28
  • 532

barricaded是什么意思 barricaded的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义:'barricaded'是一个动词,意思是用路障(如栏杆、墙垛等)封锁某地区,以防止人员或车辆进入或流出。

2. 用法:该词通常用于描述警方或在紧急情况下采取的措施,也可以指个人或组织使用路障等手段来保护或封锁某个地点。

3. 同义词: 'blockaded'、'obstructed'、'sealed off'、'enclosed'、'fenced off'。

4. 反义词: 'unblocked'、'open'、'accessible'、'unrestricted'。

5. 拓展:'barricaded'可以用来形容人的行为,意思是封锁或阻挡某个人或团体的行动或发展。


1. 发生后,警方立即封锁了该地区,用路障将其封闭。

After the riot broke out, the police immediately barricaded the area and sealed it off with barriers.

2. 考试期间,学校门口被路障堵住,以防止任何人进入考场。

During the exam period, the entrance to the school was barricaded to prevent anyone from entering the exam room.

3. 他用一张桌子和几把椅子将自己的房间封锁起来,以躲避家里的麻烦。

He barricaded his room with a table and some chairs to avoid trouble at home.

4. 媒体记者被阻止进入现场,因为警方已经封锁了周围的区域。

Media reporters were prevented from entering the site because the police had barricaded the surrounding area.

5. 游客们被拒之门外,因为景区因天气原因已经被封锁了。

Tourists were denied entry because the scenic spot was barricaded due to weather conditions.


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