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einsteins是什么意思 einsteins的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-03 13:45:42
  • 367

einsteins是什么意思 einsteins的读音、翻译、用法


1. Einsteins作为人名:


- Albert Einstein was a famous physicist who developed the theory of relativity.

- My little brother is an einstein when it comes to math.

- She's definitely an einstein when it comes to understanding complex ideas.

- Einstein's theory proved to be the foundation of modern physics.

- The einstein of our class always gets the highest grades in science.

2. Einsteins作为名词:


- The scientific conference brought together some of the brightest einsteins in the field.

- He's got the einsteins to solve any problem thrown at him.

- These days, employers are always looking for einsteins who can bring innovative ideas to the table.

- The new start-up is looking for a few einsteins to help take their business to the next level.

- Our research team is made up of a bunch of einsteins who are working on some ground-breaking projects.

3. Einsteins作为缩写词:

在某些场合下,"einsteins"可以作为缩写词。比如,"EINSTEINS"可以表示一个名为"Europe's Information Society Technologies Foresight Exercise"的项目,该项目致力于推进欧洲信息社会技术的发展。

- EINSTEINS is an important initiative for promoting innovation in Europe's information society.

- The EINSTEINS project has been running for over a decade now.

- Many experts in the field of information technology have contributed to EINSTEINS over the years.

- The EINSTEINS project has helped to shape the future of digital innovation in Europe.

- EINSTEINS is a prime example of how collaboration can lead to meaningful progress in technology.

4. Einsteins作为复数名词:

在某些场合下,"einsteins"可以作为复数名词来使用,这时它指的是“爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)所提出的单位,以 特斯拉为主,测量电磁场强度的量度单位。”

- The electricity in my house is measured in einsteins.

- One einstein is equal to one tesla per square meter.

- The einstein is a useful unit for measuring electromagnetic radiation.

- The einstein is named after the famous physicist Albert Einstein.

- Our laboratory uses the einstein as its standard unit of measurement for magnetic fields.


- Many people consider Albert Einstein to be the ultimate einstein.

- He's such an einstein when it comes to technology - he can fix any computer problem.

- The einsteins project aims to bring together innovative thinkers from across Europe to collaborate on advancing technology.


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