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blueface是什么意思 blueface的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-14 15:46:23
  • 218

blueface是什么意思 blueface的读音、翻译、用法


1. 指代蓝色脸(Blueface):该词最初源于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的一个说唱歌手Blueface,他因为在表演时强调“白人笑脸,黑人蓝脸”,因而得名。这个词现在也被用来形容一个人做出搞笑或滑稽的表情。


- She looked at him with a blueface and burst out laughing.

- His blueface expression was so funny that everyone in the room started giggling.

- When he saw the cake, he couldn't help but make a blueface out of excitement.

2. 指代新世代的年轻人:在美国,Blueface的另外一种用法是指那些生于90年代和00年代初的年轻人。这些人往往是音乐、时尚和社交媒体的粉丝,他们有着自己的一套文化和语言。


- The Blueface generation loves to spend a lot of time on social media.

- Blueface culture is all about expressing yourself through fashion and music.

- If you want to reach the Blueface audience, you need to know what they care about.

3. 指代一个音乐流派:Blueface也是一种音乐风格,它融合了说唱、嘻哈和舞曲元素,并以蓝调音乐为灵感来源。这种音乐风格在美国非常流行,尤其是在南部和西海岸地区。


- His new al is a mix of Blueface and trap music.

- She's really into Blueface music these days and can't stop listening to it.

- The Blueface movement is taking over the music industry by storm.



1. Her blueface expression was priceless when she saw the surprise party we threw for her. (脸上滑稽的表情)

2. Blueface culture is all about standing out and showing off your individuality. (新世代文化)

3. The Blueface genre has become one of the most popular music styles in recent years. (音乐流派)

4. I can't wait to see Blueface perform live at the concert next month. (说唱歌手)

5. He's a big fan of Blueface fashion and always tries to stay ahead of the latest trends. (时尚文化)


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