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etc.是什么意思 etc.的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 09:53:24
  • 342

etc.是什么意思 etc.的读音、翻译、用法

I will provide some information about 'etc.' from at least 5 aspects and give you 5 examples in English and Chinese.

1. Definition: 'etc.' is the abbreviation of the Latin term "et cetera" which means "and other things". It is used to indicate that there are other unspecified items that could be added to a list.

Example: I need to buy some groceries, like eggs, milk, bread, etc. (我需要买些杂货,比如鸡蛋、牛奶、面包等等。)

2. Usage: 'etc.' is commonly used in writing and speaking to avoid repeating a long list of items that are already known or to indicate that a list is not exhaustive.

Example: The store sells fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, etc. (这家商店出售苹果、香蕉、橙子等水果。)

3. Punctuation: 'etc.' should be followed by a comma in most cases.

Example: The party will have pizza, chips, drinks, etc., for everyone to enjoy. (聚会上会有披萨、薯片、饮料等等,供大家享用。)

4. Formality: 'etc.' is less formal than other phrases such as "and so on", "and the like", or "and the rest".

Example: The recipe calls for salt, pepper, paprika, etc., but you can add other spices if you prefer. (这个食谱需要盐、胡椒粉、辣椒粉等等,但你也可以加入其他香料。)

5. Limitation: 'etc.' can imply that the speaker or writer does not have a complete understanding or knowledge of the subject.

Example: The museum displays paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, etc., but I'm not sure if there are other famous artists represented. (这个博物馆展示莫奈、梵高、毕加索等画家的作品,不确定是否还有其他著名画家的作品。)


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