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miyawaki是什么意思 miyawaki的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-07 02:26:42
  • 133

miyawaki是什么意思 miyawaki的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源解析:miyawaki是指宮脇俊三,他是一位日本植物学家,以发明“miyawaki方法”著称。这种方法是一种林地再生技术,利用林下珍贵物种种植、浓密、多层次的人工森林。一,miyawaki也是一种日本姓氏。


- Miyawaki method is a proven technique to restore and expand forests.

- The miyawaki family has a long history of working in the agriculture industry.

2. 科技应用:miyawaki也是一种DNA测序技术,其全称为“Microsatellite genotyping with Y-specific Amplification (WAKY)”。使用miyawaki技术可以分析和比较基因组DNA序列。


- We used miyawaki sequencing to identify genetic variations in the patient's DNA.

- The miyawaki technique is a powerful tool for studying the genetics of human diseases.

3. 企业品牌:miyawaki也是一家日本公司的品牌名,该公司生产销售富含益生菌的饮料、酸奶等健康食品。


- Miyawaki is a well-known brand in Japan for its probiotic-rich beverages.

- Have you tried the miyawaki yogurt? It's delicious and good for digestion.

4. 缩写词,代表多种不同的意思。例如,在公共卫生领域,miyawaki可以指“Maternal and Infant Nutrition Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation (MINAME)”,是一种方用于监测孕妇和婴儿的膳食和营养状况。在人力资源管理方面,miyawaki也可以指代“Management Information and Wage Arithmetic System (MIWAS)”,是一个用于处理薪资和员工信息的软件系统。


- Our team is using the miyawaki method to evaluate the nutrition status of pregnant women in the community.

- The HR department is implementing the miyawaki system to manage employee salaries and benefits.

5. 人名,代表了许多优秀的日本人,例如宮脇淳子(Miyawaki Junko),她是一位著名的电视节目主持人和演员。


- Miyawaki Junko is known for her wit and humor on the variety show.

- Do you know any other famous people with the last name miyawaki?


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