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petropolis是什么意思 petropolis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-23 01:02:50
  • 331

petropolis是什么意思 petropolis的读音、翻译、用法

Petropolis 可以指:

1. 地名:Petropolis 是巴西的一座城市,位于里约热内卢以北约60公里处,曾是巴西皇帝的夏季居所。这个词也可以泛指其他城市或地区的名称,特别是那些因其动物园、宠物店等与宠物有关的设施而得名。


- Petropolis is a popular tourist destination in Brazil, known for its beautiful gardens and historic palace.


- I live in a small town called Petropolis, which has a great pet store with all kinds of toys and treats for my dog.


2. 缩写词:Petropolis 可以表示“petroleum technology research laboratory”,即石油技术研究实验室。这个缩写词通常在石油工业领域使用。


- The Petropolis lab is working on developing more efficient methods for extracting oil from deep-sea wells.


- I just got a job at Petropolis as a research assistant, and I'm excited to start working on new projects.


3. 品牌名称:Petropolis 也是一些公司、商店、品牌的名称,特别是那些与宠物有关的业务。


- My favorite pet store is called Petropolis, and they always have the best selection of dog food and toys.


- I just bought a new cat tree from Petropolis online, and it arrived in perfect condition.



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