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strenuously是什么意思 strenuously的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-01 14:59:22
  • 612

strenuously是什么意思 strenuously的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和定义:

'Strenuously' 是一个副词,表示用力地,奋力地,坚定不移地。它的主要含义是强烈地、坚定地、不屈不挠地去做某事。

2. 用法和搭配:

'Strenuously' 通常用来描述一些艰苦而具有挑战性的任务或活动,表达出要全力以赴,不放弃的意志和决心。

常见搭配:strenuously argue(激烈辩论)、strenuously exercise(强烈锻炼)、strenuously contest(激烈竞争)、strenuously protest(坚决)、strenuously defend(坚决捍卫)等。

3. 同义词和反义词:

'Strenuously' 的同义词有: vigorously、determinedly、forcefully等。反义词有: weakly、feebly、half-heartedly等。

4. 用例:


1. She argued strenuously against the proposal, but the board still voted in favor of it.(她激烈反对这项提议,但董事会仍然投票支持它。)

2. The athlete trained strenuously for weeks to prepare for the important race.(这名运动员为了为重要比赛做好准备,努力训练了数周。)

3. The company defended its position on the merger strenuously, stating that it was in the best interests of all parties.(公司坚决捍卫其关于合并的立场,表示这是符合所有利益方最大利益的。)

4. The protestors marched strenuously through the streets, demanding justice for the victims of police brutality.(者们激烈地走过街头,要求为暴力受害者伸张正义。)

5. The writer worked strenuously for months to complete her latest novel, which will be published next week.(作家为完成她的最新小说,努力工作了数月,这本小说将于下周出版。)


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