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vektor是什么意思 vektor的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-29 07:39:15
  • 374

vektor是什么意思 vektor的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:vektorraum(向量空间)、vektormultiplikation(向量乘法)、euklidischer vektorraum(欧几里得向量空间)




1. 它可能是一个三维向量,但是也可能是更高维度的向量。

It could be a three-dimensional vector, but it could also be a higher-dimensional vector.

2. 向量的长度称为模长。

The length of a vector is called its magnitude.

3. 这种算法使用向量的点积来计算相似性。

This algorithm uses the dot product of vectors to calculate similarity.

4. 在物理学中,向量通常代表力、速度或加速度等物理量。

In physics, vectors often represent physical quantities such as force, velocity, or acceleration.

5. 向量加法是将两个向量相加以产生一个新向量的过程。

Vector addition is the process of adding two vectors together to produce a new vector.

6. 我们可以在MATLAB中使用矩阵和向量构建复杂的计算模型。

We can use matrices and vectors to construct complex computational models in MATLAB.

7. 在计算机图形学中,向量通常用来表示点或方向。

In computer graphics, vectors are often used to represent points or directions.


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