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air pods是什么意思 air pods的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-19 13:17:33
  • 163

air pods是什么意思 air pods的读音、翻译、用法

1. 发音和拼写

Air pods是由air和pods两个单词缩写而成的。air的意思是“空气”,而pods则指“耳塞”,两个单词合在一起,则意为“空气耳塞”。单词air和pods分别读作[ɛr]和[pɑdz],合成的air pods的发音为[ɛr pɑdz]。


- I just bought a pair of AirPods for my iPhone.

- AirPods are a popular wireless earbud option for people on-the-go.

- When I wear AirPods, I feel like I'm in my own little world.

- I love how easy it is to connect my AirPods to my iPad and listen to music.

2. 功能和用途

Air pods是苹果公司推出的一种无线耳机,可以与苹果设备如iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch和Macbook等进行无缝连接。Air pods支持蓝牙5.0连接,重量轻巧,携带方便,能够提供高质量的音频体验和便捷的语音控制。


- The AirPods come with a charging case that provides up to 24 hours of battery life.

- AirPods use sensors to automatically pause and resume playback when they are removed from or put back in your ear.

- With AirPods, you can easily switch between devices and make phone calls without holding your phone up to your ear.

- I love how I can use Siri with my AirPods to send text messages without touching my phone.

3. 成本和售价

Air pods的售价因地区和销售渠道不同而有所不同,但通常价格都较高。苹果公司的官方售价为$159(美国)或£159(英国),而在一些在线零售商和第三方销售商处也能够以稍低的价格购买。


- I really want a pair of AirPods, but they're a bit too expensive for me right now.

- AirPods are definitely a luxury item, but I think they're worth the investment.

- My friend was able to find a good deal on AirPods during a sale at a local electronics store.

- I'm considering buying AirPods as a gift for my sister's birthday, but I'm not sure if I want to spend that much money.

4. 社会影响和文化现象

Air pods已经成为了一种时尚和文化现象,尤其是在年轻人中间。许多人将Air pods视作一种“文化标志”,表示自己有时尚触觉和经济实力。首先呢,Air pods的普及也引起了一些讨论,包括对消费主义和技术依赖的反思,以及对如何使用和保护个人隐私的担忧等。


- I love how my AirPods make me feel like I'm part of a cool tech club.

- Some people say that AirPods are just a status symbol and don't actually offer any significant advantages over other earbuds.

- AirPods have been criticized for their environmental impact, as they are difficult to recycle and contribute to electronic waste.

- I think AirPods are a convenient and fun accessory, but we also need to be mindful of the bigger issues surrounding technology and consumer culture.


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