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simples是什么意思 simples的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-29 06:01:23
  • 184

simples是什么意思 simples的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义

'simples' 可以是一个名词或者形容词。作为名词,它指的是一种由单一草药或者植物制成的药物。作为形容词,它表示简单的、容易的、基本的等意思。


- The pharmacy only sells simples made from natural herbs.

- The simples method of solving this problem is to use a calculator.

- This recipe only requires simples ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs.

2. 发音和拼写

'simples' 与 'simple' 的发音非常相似,但它是一个复数形式,因此结尾多了个 's'。


- The word 'simples' is spelled with an s at the end.

- You need to ounce the word 'simples' with a long e sound at the end.

- I always mix up the spelling of simples and simplesse.

3. 语用和文化背景

'simples' 这个词通常用于医药领域,特别是在传统疗法中。在英国,这个词也与一个知名的保险广告相联系,因为广告中的一个小猫总是说着 'Simples!'。


- The doctor recommended simples for my headache, but they didn't work.

- My grandmother always used simples to treat minor ailments like coughs and colds.

- The meerkat in the TV commercial always says 'Simples!' when something is easy to understand.


- She prefers using simples herbs that she grows in her garden. 她更喜欢使用她自己种的简单的草药。

- The simples method of cleaning the floor is to use vinegar and water. 清洗地板的简单方法是使用醋和水。

- The insurance company's ad campaign featuring the meerkat saying 'Simples!' was very popular in the UK. 在英国,使用化不会说"Simples!"的猫头鹰的广告非常受欢迎。


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