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work together是什么意思 work together的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-19 14:42:49
  • 209

work together是什么意思 work together的读音、翻译、用法

"Work together"是一个常见的英语表达,它可以表示人们在协作和合作中一起努力,共同完成某项任务或达成某个目标。从以下四个方面展开说明:

1. 合作伙伴 - "work together"通常被用来描述不同个体或组织之间的合作关系,例如公司之间的合作或者个人之间的协作等。例如:

- We should work together to achieve our common goals.(我们应该合作,实现我们的共同目标。)

- The two countries worked together to develop this new technology.(这两个国家一起合作开发了这种新技术。)

2. 团队工作 - "work together"也可以描述团队内部的协作和合作。它可以激励团队成员在完成任务时保持高效的沟通和协调。例如:

- Our team needs to work together more effectively to achieve our targets.(我们的团队需要更有效地合作才能达成我们的目标。)

- We will work together to ensure that everyone is clear about their roles and responsibilities.(我们将一起努力确保每个人都清楚自己的角色和职责。)

3. 教育领域 - "work together"在教育领域也很常见,特别是在学生之间或者学生和老师之间的合作和协作。例如:

- The teacher encouraged the students to work together to solve the problem.(老师鼓励学生们一起解决问题。)

- The group project requires students to work together to achieve a common goal.(小组项目要求学生们合作,以达到共同的目标。)

4. 领域 - "work together"也可以形容不同团体之间的合作和协商。例如:

- The two parties need to work together to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.(这两个政党需要共同努力找到一种双方都可以接受的解决方案。)

- The international community must work together to tackle global challenges such as climate change.(国际社会必须共同努力应对气候变化等全球性挑战。)


1. They work together in a small grocery store.(他们在一家小杂货店里合作工作。)

2. The two teams are working together to complete the project on time.(这两个团队正在合作,以按时完成项目。)

3. We can achieve great things if we work together.(如果我们合作,我们可以取得很大的成就。)

4. The students have been asked to work together in pairs for the next assignment.(学生们被要求在下一次作业中两人一组合作。)

5. The government and the opposition parties need to work together to address the country's economic problems.(和需要合作解决国家的经济问题。)


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