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agrar是什么意思 agrar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-03 15:34:03
  • 267

agrar是什么意思 agrar的读音、翻译、用法


1. 政策角度: "agrar"可以指代农业政策领域,涉及的农业补贴、贸易协议和环境保护措施等政策制定和执行。例如,德国的"agrarwende"计划旨在转变农业模式,从传统的大规模工业化生产转变为更加环保和可持续的农业生产。


英文例句:The German government's "agrarwende" plan aims to transform the country's agricultural sector into a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly model.

2. 行业角度: "agrar"可以指代农业行业本身,包括农民、农场主以及相关产业链的从业人员和企业。例如,在德国,"agrarunternehmen"指的是农业企业,也包括从事种植、养殖和农产品加工等职业的人员。


英文例句:As ization accelerates, more and more rural labor force migrate to cities, causing a shortage of workers in "agrarunternehmen" in Germany.

3. 专业角度: "agrar"可以指代农学领域的专业术语,例如在德国的高等教育中,"agrarwissenschaften" (农学)是一个常见的学科名称。


英文例句:The "agrarwissenschaften" program at a renowned university in Germany offers various specializations such as organic agriculture, animal and plant production, and environmental protection.


1. The "agrarwende" plan will promote the transformation of the German agricultural sector. (农业转型计划将推动德国农业领域的转变。)

2. As agriculture shifts to a sustainable model, "agrarunternehmen" faces a shortage of workers. (随着农业向可持续发展模式的转变,"agrarunternehmen" 面临着劳动力短缺的问题。)

3. The "agrarwissenschaften" program offers courses in organic agriculture and environmental protection. ( "agrarwissenschaften" 课程提供有机农业和环保等相关课程。)

4. The German government's "agrarwende" plan aims to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. (德国的"agrarwende"计划旨在降低农业对环境的影响。)

5. The "agrarwissenschaften" department conducts research on animal and plant production. ( "agrarwissenschaften" 学院致力于动植物生产领域的研究。)


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