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tas是什么意思 tas的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-30 09:44:52
  • 115

tas是什么意思 tas的读音、翻译、用法


1. TAS的全称为Total Airport Services,是一家提供地勤服务的公司,主要业务涵盖航空地面服务、货运服务、乘客服务等方面。


- Total Airport Services (TAS) is a leading provider of aviation ground handling services.

- The cargo services of TAS are highly efficient and reliable.

- TAS aims to provide passengers with a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.

2. TAS也可以是Travel Authorization System的缩写,这是指旅行授权系统,旨在帮助国家控制和管理入境流量。


- The Travel Authorization System (TAS) is now mandatory for all foreign visitors entering the country.

- Tourists need to apply for a Travel Authorization System (TAS) before they can enter the country.

- The implementation of the Travel Authorization System (TAS) has greatly improved border security.

3. TAS还可以代表Theological and Seminary,是指神学和学院教育领域。


- The Theological and Seminary (TAS) program at this university is highly respected.

- TAS offers a diverse range of courses in theology and ministry.

- Graduates from the Theological and Seminary (TAS) program have gone on to become leaders in their fields.

4. 最后一种可能是“Tasmanian”,指的是塔斯马尼亚州的,是澳大利亚的一个省份,领土面积约为67万平方公里,是澳大利亚的第二大岛屿。


- Tasmanian produce is renowned for its high quality and freshness.

- The Tasmanian wilderness is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.

- Tasmanian devils are an iconic Australian animal.


根据上述解释,'tas'的意义可以是Total Airport Services、Travel Authorization System、Theological and Seminary、Tasmanian。以下是5个中英例句。

1. Total Airport Services (TAS) is a company that provides ground handling services.


2. The Travel Authorization System (TAS) is now mandatory for all foreign visitors entering the country.


3. TAS offers a diverse range of courses in theology and ministry.


4. The Tasmanian wilderness is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.


5. Graduates from the Theological and Seminary (TAS) program have gone on to become leaders in their fields.



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