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strategical是什么意思 strategical的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-14 05:26:09
  • 103

strategical是什么意思 strategical的读音、翻译、用法


1. 用法和含义:Strategical用于描述和分析战略层面的事物,强调的是长期、全局和全面的考虑。与tactical(战术上的)相对应。Strategical可以用作形容词,也可以作为strategical ysis(战略分析)这样的名词组合使用。

2. 派生词:strategically(副词),strategist(战略家),strategy(战略),strategic planning(战略规划),strategic alliance(战略联盟)等。

3. 同义词:long-term,comprehensive,global,big-picture。

4. 使用场景:Strategical一般用于军事、商业、、文化等领域。在商业领域,strategical planning(战略规划)和strategical partnerships(战略合作伙伴)是常见用法。


1. Our company needs to develop a strategical plan to enter new markets in the next three years.(我们公司需要制定一个战略计划,在未来三年进入新市场。)

2. The government is taking strategical measures to enhance national security.(正在采取战略措施加强。)

3. As a military strategist, he always considers the strategical advantages and disadvantages of different options.(作为一名军事战略家,他总是考虑不同选项的战略优劣。)

4. The company's strategical alliance with a major overseas partner has greatly boosted its global market share.(公司与一家海外主要合作伙伴的战略联盟极大地提升了其全球市场份额。)

5. The strategical significance of the Silk Road lies not only in trade, but also in cultural exchange and regional cooperation.(丝绸之路的战略重要性不仅在于贸易,还在于文化交流和地区合作。)


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