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intouchables是什么意思 intouchables的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-20 12:32:21
  • 70

intouchables是什么意思 intouchables的读音、翻译、用法

1. Intouchables作为电影名称

- Intouchables是一部法国电影,讲述了一个身体残疾的白人富翁和一个来自贫民窟的移民青年之间的友谊故事。

- The Intouchables won several awards at film festivals around the world.

- Intouchables is a heartwarming story about the power of human connection.

- Have you seen Intouchables? It's a great movie!

2. Intouchables作为缩写词

- Intouchables缩写为"IT",可表示信息技术、信息传递、信息处理等方面。

- IT has revolutionized the way we work and communicate.

- I'm studying IT at university so I can find a job in the tech industry.

- The company invested in new IT equipment to improve efficiency.

3. Intouchables作为形容词

- Intouchables作为形容词,可以表示无法接触、无法接近、不可触碰等含义。

- The royal family is often regarded as intouchable by the public.

- The CEO is so busy and important that he seems intouchable to his employees.

- The superstar was surrounded by an intouchable entourage of bodyguards.


- The Intouchables是一部非常感人的电影,值得一看。(The Intouchables is a very touching movie and worth watching.)

- 我们需要一些IT专业人才来帮助我们升级系统。(We need some IT professionals to help us upgrade our system.)

- 高管似乎是不可接触的,我们很难接近他。(The executives seem intouchable and we have a hard time approaching them.)

- 有些人认为的大佬们是不可接近的,无法对他们的政策发表意见。(Some people think that the government officials are intouchable and can't give feedback on their policies.)

- 这个珂朵莉的装备是那么的华丽,几乎无人能及其。(Miss Koto's equipment is so magnificent that it's almost intouchable to others.)


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