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calcules是什么意思 calcules的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-28 03:19:15
  • 72

calcules是什么意思 calcules的读音、翻译、用法


1. 数学计算(Mathematical Calculations):Calcules可以指数学计算,包括算术、代数、几何、三角和微积分等方面的计算。以下是5个例句:

- He spent hours doing calcules for his physics homework.

- She is a genius at mental calcules and can solve complex equations in a matter of seconds.

- The computer program can perform complex calcules for statistical ysis.

- The teacher emphasized the importance of double-checking your calcules when solving problems in math class.

- He struggled with calcules in algebra but excelled in geometry and trigonometry.

2. 胆结石(Cholecystolithiasis):Calcules也可以是一个医学术语,指胆囊中的结石。以下是5个例句:

- After experiencing severe abdominal pain, the doctor discovered a large calcule in her gallbladder.

- The patient had to undergo surgery to remove the calcules from his gallbladder.

- The radiologist was able to identify the calcules in the patient's abdomen using an ultrasound.

- The most common symptom of calcules is sharp pain in the upper right side of the abdomen.

- Eating a diet high in fat and cholesterol can increase the risk of developing calcules.

3. 计算机语言(Computer Languages):Calcules也可以是某种计算机语言的名称,另外还有,目前并没有广泛使用的计算机语言叫做Calcules。以下是5个虚构的例句:

- Calcules is a programming language specifically designed for advanced financial modeling.

- The company's proprietary software is written in Calcules and is only accessible to employees.

- Calcules syntax can be difficult to learn for beginners, but it offers powerful functions for experienced programmers.

- The Calcules interpreter can run on any operating system, it a versatile choice for developers.

- The Calcules programming community is small but dedicated, with only a handful of experts in the field.



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