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jidong是什么意思 jidong的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-31 11:34:46
  • 145

jidong是什么意思 jidong的读音、翻译、用法


"Jidong" 可能是指以下内容之一:

1. 鸡东县 (Jidong County):一个位于中国黑龙江省鸡西市的县,面积2104平方公里,人口约为68万人。

2. 基洞音乐节 (Jidong Music Festival):一个位于中国北京市的音乐节,主要展示摇滚乐、电子音乐和流行音乐等音乐类型。

3. 吉东 (Ji Dong):这可能是一个人名,也可能是一个地名,具置不清楚。

4. 集东 (Ji Dong):这可能是另一个人名或地名,具置也不清楚。


1. Jidong County is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, with abundant natural resources. (鸡东县位于黑龙江省东北部,拥有丰富的自然资源。)

2. The Jidong Music Festival attracts a large number of music lovers every year, and has become one of the most popular music events in Beijing. (基洞音乐节每年吸引大量的音乐爱好者,已成为北京最受欢迎的音乐活动之一。)

3. Ji Dong is a talented musician and has released several popular als in recent years. (吉东是一位才华横溢的音乐家,近年来发布了几张受欢迎的专辑。)

4. I heard that Ji Dong is a small town with beautiful scenery, maybe we can go there for vacation next spring. (我听说集东是个风景优美的小城镇,也许我们可以在明年春天去那里度假。)

5. There is a famous temple named Ji Dong Temple in the southwest of China, which has a history of more than 1000 years. (中国西南部有一座著名的寺庙叫做集东寺,已有1000多年的历史。)


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