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squalling是什么意思 squalling的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-01 03:01:26
  • 56

squalling是什么意思 squalling的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义: 'squalling'是一个动词,意为大声叫喊或哭泣,尤指婴儿或小孩。它可以用来形容一种情感,比如恐惧或痛苦。

2. 同义词:howling, wailing, crying, whimpering, bawling

3. 用法: 'squalling'常常用来描述正在哭喊的婴儿或小孩,也可以用来描述动物的呼喊声。

4. 派生词: 'squaller'为名词,表示正在大声叫喊或哭泣的人或物。

5. 相关词汇: 'squall'是名词,通常指突然出现的短暂但强烈的气流,比如雨雪风暴中的突然。


1. The baby was squalling so loudly that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. (这个婴儿哭得太响了,我什么也听不清了。)

2. All of a sudden, the room was filled with the sound of squalling children. (忽然之间,整个房间里哭喊声四起。)

3. The poor kitten was squalling in pain after it got its paw caught in a trap. (那只可怜的小猫被陷阱抓住了脚踝,因为疼痛而哭喊。)

4. The squalling of the seagulls woke me up early in the morning. (海鸥的尖叫声让我在清晨就醒来了。)

5. The squaller from the next apartment kept me up all night. (隔壁公寓里不断的叫喊声让我整晚都没睡好。)


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