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clk是什么意思 clk的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-19 01:10:03
  • 851

clk是什么意思 clk的读音、翻译、用法


1. CLK指的是时钟信号,它是用来同步数字系统中各个部件的节拍信号,可以确保数字电路中的各个元件能够按照正确的时序进行工作。


- The CLK signal is essential for ensuring that all of the digital circuit components are properly synchronized.

- The microcontroller's CLK rate was set at 16 MHz to ensure fast and efficient operation.

2. CLK也可以是一种奔驰汽车型号的缩写,代表高性能的跑车系列。


- I just saw a beautiful CLK on the highway - it must have cost a fortune!

- The Mercedes CLK is known for its sleek design and impressive speed.

3. CLK也可以指代"CLOCK",表示时钟或闹钟等。


- I set my CLK to wake me up at 6am every morning.

- The digital clock on the wall was showing the wrong time, so I reset it.

4. CLK还可以是一种计算机组件或部件的缩写,如Intel的CLK指代时钟信号发生器。


- The CLK generator chip is responsible for producing a stable timing signal for the CPU.

- We need to make sure the CLK frequency is set correctly in order for the system to function properly.

5. 另外还有,CLK还可以是一种网络协议,即"CryptoLink", 用于在不同设备之间安全传输敏感信息。


- The company's IT department implemented CLK protocol to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data.

- CLK encryption technology ensures that sensitive data remains secure during transmission.



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