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woodhull是什么意思 woodhull的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-18 05:25:08
  • 85

woodhull是什么意思 woodhull的读音、翻译、用法




发音拼写:'woodhull'的发音为/wʊd hʌl/,其中第一个音节读作/wʊd/,第二个音节读作/hʌl/。


1. The Woodhull family had a long history of farming in the area.(Woodhull家族在该地区有着悠久的农业历史。)

2. The book was written by Victoria Woodhull, a pioneer of the women's suffrage movement.(这本书是由维多利亚·伍德霍尔所撰写,她是妇女选举权运动的先驱者。)

3. Woodhull Lake is a popular spot for fishing and boating.(Woodhull湖是垂钓和划船的热门地点。)

4. The Woodhull Foundation for Ethical Leadership provides training and resources for aspiring leaders.(Woodhull道德领导基金会为有抱负的领袖提供培训和资源。)

5. The Woodhull School District is known for its high academic standards.(Woodhull学区以其高水平的学术标准而闻名。)

6. The Woodhull Institute offers workshops and retreats for women in leadership positions.(Woodhull学院为担任领导职位的妇女提供研讨会和撤退计划。)

7. Woodhull Hospital is one of the largest medical facilities in Brooklyn.(Woodhull医院是布鲁克林地区最大的医疗设施之一。)


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