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corvi是什么意思 corvi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-26 15:11:12
  • 84

corvi是什么意思 corvi的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:Corvi是拉丁文中"乌鸦"的意思。

2. 词性:Corvi是名词,它没有复数形式。

3. 词组搭配:无常用的词组搭配,但可以和其他单词组成复合词,如corvid(乌鸦科鸟类)。

4. 短语:无常用的短语。

5. 发音拼写:Corvi的发音为/kɔːrvi/,拼写为c-o-r-v-i。


1. Corvi are highly intelligent and social birds, capable of using tools and problem-solving. (乌鸦是高度智能和社交性的鸟类,能够使用工具和解决问题。)

2. The corvi family includes crows, ravens, and jays. (乌鸦科包括乌鸦、渡鸦和松鸦。)

3. The corvi at the park have become accustomed to human interactions and will often come near for food. (公园里的乌鸦已经习惯了与人的互动,通常会靠近寻找食物。)

4. Many cultures have myths and legends surrounding corvi, often depicting them as symbols of death or bad luck. (许多文化都有围绕乌鸦的神话和传说,常常把它们描绘为死亡或厄运的象征。)

5. Scientists have conducted numerous studies on corvi behavior and cognition, revealing their remarkable abilities in problem-solving, tool use, and social communication. (科学家们对乌鸦的行为和认知进行了许多研究,揭示了它们在问题解决、工具使用和社交交流方面的出色能力。)


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