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absurdity是什么意思 absurdity的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 13:28:19
  • 115

absurdity是什么意思 absurdity的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:it could be argued that given the absurdity of the European idea, that Brussels does its best to defend the indefensible

翻译:但可以看出 考虑到大欧洲理念的荒谬 It could be argued that given the absurdity of the idea, 欧盟已尽力辩不可辩之理 that Brussels does its best to defend the indefensible。



absurdity一般作为名词使用,如在reduction to absurdity([法] 归谬法, 法证论法)、reductionto absurdity(归谬法(为了证明某一命题的真实,而证明其对立面为谬误的方法);反证论法)、sink into absurdity(v. 做荒唐事)等常见短语中出现较多。

reduction to absurdity[法] 归谬法, 法证论法
reductionto absurdity归谬法(为了证明某一命题的真实,而证明其对立面为谬误的方法);反证论法
sink into absurdityv. 做荒唐事


1. i'm not gonna even discuss the absurdity... of representing an ex-lover who tried to kill you.

翻译:先不论你替企图杀了自己的 前女友辩护有多荒谬。

2. Yes, at times bleak, but one who makes us laugh at our own absurdity.

翻译:是的,有时候暗淡,但一个谁 让我们笑我们自己的荒谬。

3. The exhibit was a paradox of absurdity, impressionistic and surreal.

翻译:这场展览就像一个荒谬的悖论 既有印象主义有超现实主义。

4. and unlimited absurdity...


5. Although the absurdity of being eulogized by someone that didn't even know her has exactly the kind of comedic flourish that Leslie would have cherished.

翻译:虽然荒谬的被颂扬 由一甚至不认识她的人 有正确的喜剧蓬勃发展 Leslie会珍惜。

6. So, because of this idea, it might seem like the very height of absurdity to have a Duolingo course on the High Valyrian language that i created for HBO's "Game of Thrones."

翻译:因为有了这样的想法, 这可能看起来像非常荒谬, 对我在HBO的《冰与火之歌》中所创造 的高级瓦雷利亚语言 开设一门“多邻国”课程。

7. She's exhibiting confusion disorder-- a mix of rage with absurdity causes...

翻译:她已经表现出极为混乱的状态 是愤怒及极端失去理性的混合产物..。

8. i'll overrule that on absurdity alone. if i were in a suggesting mood,

翻译:要我提意见的话 建议你合理配置时间。

9. The absurdity of it all was the arresting officer asking me to pay him 10,000 US dollars and the case would disappear.

翻译:最荒唐的是那个逮捕我的警官, 居然要求我支付给他一万美金, 他们就可以撤诉。

10. it was either the wine... or the absurdity of being with a Sicilian cop... but i burst out laughing.

翻译:或许是酒的原因 或许是跟一个西西里在一起的 荒谬所致 突然笑起来。

11. You know, rowing on a beautiful pond in a park... with the rich of New York all around it, it seems like kind of an absurdity.

翻译:You know, rowing on a beautiful pond in a park... 在公园的一个美丽池塘里划船 with the rich of New York all around it, it seems like kind of an absurdity.。

12. Susan, enjoy absurdity of our world.

翻译:苏珊 好好享受我们这个荒谬的世界。

13. Mr. Boyle, You are a reasonable person You understand the absurdity of a demand of 2 million pounds for a hostage


14. And if necessity is the mother of invention, here, absurdity is its father.

翻译:如果说需求是创造力之母, 那么在盐湖里, 荒诞则是创造力之父。

15. Eden without an Eve is an absurdity.



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