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escarpment是什么意思 escarpment的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 06:12:22
  • 102

escarpment是什么意思 escarpment的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:There was this one escarpment, it wasn't more than 500 feet but, Jesus, it was slippery.

翻译:这里有一堵峭壁,大概不到500英尺 另外还有,上帝啊,它是那样滑。



例句:The Dhofar escarpment provides the perfect barrier... ..trapping the clouds and hijacking their precious moisture.

翻译:佐法尔悬崖作为天然的屏障... 阻挡了云层并获取了云层中珍贵的水分。



例句:Hadi and Khaled Al Hikmani grew up on this escarpment.

翻译:哈迪和卡劳得・阿・黑卡玛尼 土生土长的本土人。



例句:We're in Pole Canyon, looking west up the western escarpment of Mount Washington, which is 11,600 feet on top.

翻译:我们就在峡谷顶上,西边就是华盛顿山脉的悬崖 那里的最高峰有11600英尺高。



escarpment一般作为名词使用,如在erosional escarpment(侵蚀陡崖)、fault escarpment(断层崖)、Gorda Escarpment([地名] 戈达海崖 ( 太平洋 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

erosional escarpment侵蚀陡崖
fault escarpment断层崖
Gorda Escarpment[地名] 戈达海崖 ( 太平洋 )
Great Escarpment[地名] 大陡崖 ( 非洲南部 )


1. Hadi and Khaled Al Hikmani grew up on this escarpment.

翻译:哈迪和卡劳得・阿・黑卡玛尼 土生土长的本土人。

2. We're in Pole Canyon, looking west up the western escarpment of Mount Washington, which is 11,600 feet on top.

翻译:我们就在峡谷顶上,西边就是华盛顿山脉的悬崖 那里的最高峰有11600英尺高。

3. Hadi and Khaled's village sits on the top of the Dhofar escarpment.


4. We had escarpment imported from Paris.


5. From here, he glides to a place he knows ... where he can deal with the bone, where there are giant rock slabs on the lip of an escarpment.

翻译:从这里滑翔到一个它知道 能处理骨头的地方 这里的绝壁边缘有巨大岩板。

6. Limestone is composed of minerals derived from marine shells and corals, so although this rocky escarpment in the United States is now hundreds of metres above sea level it was actually formed under water.

翻译:石灰岩由海螺和 珊瑚中的矿物沉积后形成 所以,尽管美国境内的这座石壁 如今矗立在海平面以上几百米高的地方 它实际上却是在水下形成的。

7. And we can see the escarpment there


8. The Rift's escarpment rises a thousand feet above the lake, a rock wall severed by deep canyons.

翻译:悬崖屹立在离湖一千英尺高的地方 深邃的峡谷将大山劈开。

9. The Aberdares lie along the eastern escarpment of the Kenyan Rift Valley, which here is up to 100 miles across.

翻译:肯尼亚大裂谷东部阿布戴尔国家公园的悬崖峭壁 绵延达100英里。

10. it seldom rains around here but natural springs that surge up at the foot of the great rift valley escarpment, provide moisture for this lush vegetation to grow.

翻译:很少下雨这里, 但天然来源跳 在裂谷和用品的脚 液体的茂密的植被。

11. At the southern end there's a large pond between the edge of the wood and the chalk escarpment.

翻译:在南边有一个大的池塘 就在树林和断涯中间。

12. We're in Pole Canyon, looking west up the western escarpment of Mount Washington, which is 11,600 feet on top.

翻译:我们就在峡谷顶上,西边就是华盛顿山脉的悬崖 那里的最高峰有11600英尺高。




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