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orthopedic是什么意思 orthopedic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-01 15:47:10
  • 169

orthopedic是什么意思 orthopedic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

orthopedic的中文解释是"矫形外科的 、矫形外科的",作为名词时有"医"的意思,发音音标为[ɔ:θoup'i:dik],orthopedic来源于英语,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到91个与orthopedic相关的近义词和例句。



例句:if we find an orthopedic surgeon in the middle of the bayou.




例句:i'd refer her to an orthopedic surgeon.




例句:Physical therapies can be done, not only in the orthopedic center, but also in the houses of the people.

翻译:理疗复健不仅能够在矫形中心进行 还能在人们家里进行。



例句:And so the following day, i went to the orthopedic center.

翻译:第二天 我到了矫形中心。



orthopedic一般作为名词使用,如在extraoral orthopedic force(口外矫形力)、medical orthopedic splint([化] 医用矫形夹板)、operative orthopedic surgery([外科] 矫形外科手术学)等常见短语中出现较多。

extraoral orthopedic force口外矫形力
medical orthopedic splint[化] 医用矫形夹板
operative orthopedic surgery[外科] 矫形外科手术学
pediatric orthopedics小儿矫形外科
extraoral orthopedic force口外矫形力
medical orthopedic splint[化] 医用矫形夹板
operative orthopedic surgery[外科] 矫形外科手术学
orthopedic bed[网络] 矫形床


1. Physical therapies can be done, not only in the orthopedic center, but also in the houses of the people.

翻译:理疗复健不仅能够在矫形中心进行 还能在人们家里进行。

2. And so the following day, i went to the orthopedic center.

翻译:第二天 我到了矫形中心。

3. He built the orthopedic medical center and sponsors it all by himself.


4. And she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, also free.


5. i got 300 orthopedic surgeons to feed and no desire to exercise.

翻译:我还要养活300多个医生 无心他事。

6. But you are going to get a crash course education in orthopedic medicine and postoperative infections.

翻译:但是马上会有一轮 骨科和术后感染的连番轰炸。

7. They look like orthopedic ss.


8. We're now going to go live to Dr. Marc Tompkins, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Minnesota.

翻译:我将直播一场由Marc Tompkins大夫, 一名明尼苏达大学的矫形外科医师。

9. And the orthopedic center was closed.


10. So this motivated me to become an orthopedic surgeon and to see if i couldn't focus on solutions for those problems that would keep me playing sports and not limit me.

翻译:这些事情促使我成为一名整形外科医生 我希望能够解决如何让我们 如何可以无拘束的运动问题。

11. What do you think a batting average for a cardiac surgeon or a nurse practitioner or an orthopedic surgeon, an OBGYN, a paramedic is supposed to be?

翻译:你们认为, 一位心脏外科医生,或一位职业护理师, 一位骨科外科医生 妇产科医生或急救人员的 “击球率” 应该是多少。

12. We have several doctors in my family, and i wanted to be an orthopedic specialist.

翻译:我们家里有几个医生 我本想成为一名矫形专家。

13. And i had these legs made a little over a year ago at Dorset Orthopedic in England and when i brought them home to Manhattan, my first night out on the town, i went to a very fancy party.

翻译:我身上这副义肢大概是一年前做的 在英国的多西特整形外科做的 当我把它们带回曼哈顿的家里 我回来后第一次出来是去一个化妆舞会。

14. i was also working in the orthopedic center, we call it.

翻译:我同时也在 矫形中心工作。

15. in appearance, he resembled Mahatma Gandhi, minus the loincloth, plus orthopedic boots.

翻译:从外表看,老人很像圣雄甘地—— 如果去掉腰带,穿上靴子的话。




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