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profitably是什么意思 profitably的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-05 08:28:42
  • 49

profitably是什么意思 profitably的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Well, my only pleasure is employing myself profitably.




例句:Very good way of spending your time profitably in the eternal dimension. Telephone headset.

翻译:在永恒的时空中有效利用时间的好方法 电话耳机。





1. We believe this type of technology can indeed help us profitably recycle carbon dioxide into valuable products -- something that's beneficial for the planet but also beneficial for business.

翻译:我们相信这种科技的确可以帮到我们 合理的回收二氧化碳,并用于有价值的产品 而这些产品对地球是有益的 对我们的商业也是很有益的。

2. So, we appear to have a genuine difference of opinion about how to profitably use one's time.

翻译:很明显的,这里我们看到每个人对打发时间 都有不同的看法。

3. The job of business is to meet customer needs and to do so profitably.

翻译:商业的目的是满足客户需求, 同时赚取利润。

4. i told you then that if we adopted regular, streamlined business methods... we could function as profitably... and with as little interference, as any nationally-known organization.

翻译:我告诉过你们,如果我们采取正规的 有效的经营方式... 我们可以有益地运营,而更少的问题 像其它的国内知名组织一样。

5. So one of the best ways for businesses to help ensure their own growth, their own longevity, is to meet some of the hardest challenges in our society and to do so profitably.

翻译:所以帮助企业确保增长,保持生命力 的最佳方式之一, 就是解决社会上最艰难的那些挑战, 同时赚取利润。

6. i could've spent the money more profitably.


7. V.C.s have always struggled to invest profitably in technologies such as energy whose capital requirements are huge and whose development is long and lengthy, and V.C.s have never, never funded the development of technologies meant to solve big problems that possess no immediate commercial value.

翻译:风投资本在科技上的投资 总是难以获得回报 例如是需要大量投资 和长期发展过程的能源行业 风投资本也从来没有 投资过能够解决 没有即时商业价值的大问题。

8. Enabling better access to transport is all about strengthening this public transit network, empowering local entrepreneurs who already offer similar services in their communities to operate these services more profitably and more widely.

翻译:让人们更方便地使用交通工具, 就需要加强这个公共交通网络 使当地的提供 相似服务的创业者 获得更高的利润和开拓业务。

9. AF: Because we have ingrained in us a price of plastic from fossil fuels, which sits just under what it takes to economically and profitably recycle plastic from plastic.

翻译:安德烈: 因为我们都有一种根深蒂固的思想, 来自化石燃料的原生塑料价格, 刚刚好比 通过经济的回收方法获得的 塑料的价格便宜一些。

10. Private businesses often struggle to profitably serve the extreme poor, so philanthropy still has a major role to play.

翻译:私有企业挣扎在为赤贫服务和盈利之间, 因此更多的还是要依靠慈善人士。

11. So, we appear to have a genuine difference of opinion about how to profitably use one's time.

翻译:很明显的,这里我们看到每个人对打发时间 都有不同的看法。

12. By Mr. Neville's growing reputation... 12 drawings could be profitably sold... to furnish a more solid and enduring monument.

翻译:纳维尔先生的声誉越来越大 12张画能卖很好的价钱。

13. And when they do that innovatively, and when they do that with all of their thinking and all of their strategy and all of their capital, and they're creating both total shareholder returns and total societal impact, we know that we will solve those problems, both profitably and generously.

翻译:如果方法有创意, 并且 仔细思考, 好好运用他们的战略 和资产, 他们就能在创造股东总回报的首先, 制造整体社会影响。我们也能够在盈利的同时慷慨地 解决这些问题。


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