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gelatinous是什么意思 gelatinous的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-20 14:57:50
  • 71

gelatinous是什么意思 gelatinous的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Some of them are produced by gelatinous animals called salps.

翻译:它们中的有些是由一种 叫做樽海鞘的胶装动物产生的。



例句:You could actually see gelatinous-type clouds of bacteria as they floated by and fingerlike structures that were hanging from the ceilings.

翻译:你确实能看到... 漂浮过去的凝胶状细菌云 还有挂在天花板上的...。



例句:Your pole arm does double damage, and the gelatinous cube dies in horrible poverty.

翻译:你的棍棒武器造成了双倍伤害! 受攻击的粘液怪脆弱的死去了。


4.明胶的 、凝胶状的

例句:These gelatinous creatures possess luminous organs to frighten off their enemies.

翻译:这类胶状生物拥有发光器官 以此来威吓天敌。



gelatinous一般作为形容词使用,如在Rolando's gelatinous substance([医] 胶状质)、Stilling's gelatinous substance([医] 施提林氏神经胶质(在脊髓中央管周围))、gelatinous ascites([医] 明胶性腹水)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rolando's gelatinous substance[医] 胶状质
Stilling's gelatinous substance[医] 施提林氏神经胶质(在脊髓中央管周围)
gelatinous ascites[医] 明胶性腹水
gelatinous bone marrow[医] 胶样骨髓
gelatinous curd凝胶状乳凝块
gelatinous curd deject凝乳结块不良


1. Your pole arm does double damage, and the gelatinous cube dies in horrible poverty.

翻译:你的棍棒武器造成了双倍伤害! 受攻击的粘液怪脆弱的死去了。

2. These gelatinous creatures possess luminous organs to frighten off their enemies.

翻译:这类胶状生物拥有发光器官 以此来威吓天敌。

3. Gelatinous food plants, for example, chia seeds ...

翻译:凝胶状食品厂 例如 正大。

4. This bone is, um, it's gone quite soft. Gelatinous.

翻译:骨头变得很软 呈胶粘状。

5. Some very ancient species, like the gelatinous animals, have only evolved in the ocean.

翻译:一些古老的物种,比如胶状动物 只在海洋中进化。

6. Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle.

翻译:“山丘”把整个数据库形象地表示为大果冻似的的小山, 有点摇晃。

7. The Great Cellist filled room 635 as a one meter layer of translucent gelatinous substance.


8. Gelatinous fibers ... purchase, good quality water.

翻译:收购胶状纤维 优质水。

9. What is this gelatinous muck?


10. The resulting goop gained consciousness, and became an indestructible gelatinous mass.

翻译:实验产生的湿黏物获得知觉 变成无以的胶团。

11. To grasp its gelatinous prey, beroe has special teeth-like spikes in its mouth.

翻译:To grasp its gelatinous prey, 为了捕获胶状的猎物 Beroe has special teeth like spikes in its mouth.。

12. There's this big, black, gelatinous ... something.


13. And i was telling these kids, 120 of them -- they were all in the school on the gymnasium floor -- and i was telling them about the jellyfish and how they're gelatinous and you can't see them at night especially.

翻译:我当时正在告诉那些孩子们,总共120个, 他们都坐在体操室的地上, 我给他们讲水母, 讲它们如何柔软透明, 你如何看不见它们,尤其在晚上。

14. Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle.

翻译:“山丘”把整个数据库形象地表示为大果冻似的的小山, 有点摇晃。

15. The gelatinous fibers greatly help the liver flush.

翻译:凝胶状纤维有助于 特定清洁肝脏。


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