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segregated是什么意思 segregated的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 07:42:19
  • 46

segregated是什么意思 segregated的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:A few advance copies have been segregated. i have one myself.

翻译:有些提前出版的已经发下来了, 我自己有一本.。



例句:No. Recruits will not be segregated.

翻译:不 招募人员不该被隔离。



例句:Ray Charles was banned from performing in the state of Georgia because he refused to play before a segregated audience.

翻译:雷·查尔斯被禁止在乔治亚州进行演出 因为他拒绝在进行过种族隔离的观众面前表演。



例句:We have segregated schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, and it's not the people wearing hoods that are keeping these policies in place.

翻译:我们有着种族隔离的学校, 社区和公共场所, 然而使得这些政策产生效果的, 并不是带着三K党帽子的人。



segregated一般作为动词使用,如在non segregated([网络] 非离析)、partially segregated flow(部分离流)、phase segregated protection(分相保护)等常见短语中出现较多。

non segregated[网络] 非离析
partially segregated flow部分离流
phase segregated protection分相保护
stock segregated account[网络] 独立户口
nonsegregated backmixing非隔离逆混
nonsegregated mixing非隔离混合
nonsegregated phase bus不隔相汇流排
nonsegregated reactor非隔离反应器


1. Ray Charles was banned from performing in the state of Georgia because he refused to play before a segregated audience.

翻译:雷·查尔斯被禁止在乔治亚州进行演出 因为他拒绝在进行过种族隔离的观众面前表演。

2. We have segregated schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, and it's not the people wearing hoods that are keeping these policies in place.

翻译:我们有着种族隔离的学校, 社区和公共场所, 然而使得这些政策产生效果的, 并不是带着三K党帽子的人。

3. When i got to the Mississippi Delta, it was a place that was still poor, still segregated, still dramatically in need of change.

翻译:我到密西西比三角洲时, 这个地方仍然很贫穷, 仍实行种族隔离, 极其需要变革。

4. Medicube will be segregated until we get the test results.

翻译:在检查结果出来之前 医疗中心要隔离使用。

5. Thought experiment, because i like them: an entirely segregated society -- racially segregated, all towns, all neighborhoods and where we send the police only to the minority neighborhoods to look for crime.

翻译:思维实验, 因为我喜欢它们: 一个完全隔离的社会—— 种族隔离存在于所有的城镇, 所有的社区, 我们把只送到少数族裔的社区 去寻找犯罪。

6. Some argue that today our schools are now more segregated than they ever were before we tried to desegregate them in the first place.

翻译:有些人会说, 我们今天的学校种族隔离 要比我们尝试废除种族隔离 之前更严重。

7. Hans and Manchus should not be segregated.

翻译:其实满洲人是人,也是人 大家聚在一起有什么罪呀。

8. During his two-year imprisonment, he protested the segregated facilities from within.

翻译:在两年的监禁期间, 他从内部 种族隔离设施。

9. Look at your cute little plate with your vegetables all segregated and such.

翻译:瞧你那可爱的小板 你所有的蔬菜和隔离此类。

10. Now, you should know that at that time, the textile industry in the South was notoriously segregated.

翻译:你要知道在那个时候 美国南部地区的纺织业里的种族歧视现象臭名远扬.。

11. Now, you should know that at that time, the textile industry in the South was notoriously segregated.

翻译:你要知道在那个时候 美国南部地区的纺织业里的种族歧视现象臭名远扬.。

12. From then on, i stopped believing that martial arts schools should be segregated to maintain their own authentic styles

翻译:由那时开始 我正式放下门户之见。

13. Still, the place is perceived as dirty, marginalized and segregated because of their association with the trash.

翻译:但即便如此,因为他们与这些垃圾的紧密关系 这个地方仍旧被视为肮脏的,被边缘化的隔离区。

14. You have some countries where students are segregated early in their ages.

翻译:有些国家 学生们很年幼时就被实施分层教学。

15. And my mother, who taught me in fourth grade in segregated schools in Virginia, who was my inspiration.

翻译:还有我妈 我在维吉尼亚上种族分隔学校时 的四年级导师 我的灵感来源。




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