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tertiary是什么意思 tertiary的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-09 07:04:18
  • 65

tertiary是什么意思 tertiary的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:i personally know of a couple of Rangers who swear that they see only in tertiary colours now

翻译:我认识几个突击队员 他们发誓现在不戴上 有色眼镜就成了。



例句:if every student in Somalia became a teacher -- every person who finishes tertiary education became a teacher -- we won't have enough teachers.

翻译:如果索马里的每个学生 都成为了老师—— 每个完成高等教育的人 都成为了老师—— 我们还是不会有足够的老师。



例句:Education Community tertiary.

翻译:教育 社区三级。



例句:The rest of this canyon is tertiary rhyolite volcanics, which means the unsub must have brought these rocks with him.

翻译:峡谷其他部分是第三纪流纹火山岩 不名嫌犯一定是带著石头来的。



tertiary一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在late tertiary(晚第三纪)、macroreticular tertiary amine(忆型叔胺)、marine tertiary industry(海洋三级产业)等常见短语中出现较多。

late tertiary晚第三纪
macroreticular tertiary amine忆型叔胺
marine tertiary industry海洋三级产业
old tertiary古第三纪;古第三系, 旧第三纪
macroreticular tertiary amine忆型叔胺
marine tertiary industry海洋三级产业
paratertiary butyl catechol对四正丁基儿柰酚
paratertiary butyl phenol对四正丁基酚


1. Education Community tertiary.

翻译:教育 社区三级。

2. The rest of this canyon is tertiary rhyolite volcanics, which means the unsub must have brought these rocks with him.

翻译:峡谷其他部分是第三纪流纹火山岩 不名嫌犯一定是带著石头来的。

3. Primary over the top, secondary down the road, tertiary to the river.

翻译:首选从空中,其次从的公路 不得已走水路。

4. i object to that outrageous statement... and i object to a tertiary character having any lines

翻译:我坚决反对 他说话太可恶了 我反对三流角色 出现在我这场法庭戏里。

5. When the Scimitar de-cloaked, there was a spike in the tertiary EM band.

翻译:当舒米达号隐形时 第3EM频带就会受干扰。

6. We support South African students who are marching against ridiculously high tertiary fees.

翻译:我们支持南非的学生, 他们正在反抗 价格高得离谱的高等教育。

7. Tertiary Education. Conflictual relationship with the father.

翻译:受过高等教育 和爸爸关系紧张。

8. Well, just keep in mind that should you ever need a slightly apathetic tertiary friend, i stand at the ready.

翻译:记著 当你需要一个泛泛之交的时候 我总是时刻准备著的。

9. it's not the tertiary cooling, either.


10. That's what tertiary friends are for.


11. Don't worry. As your tertiary friend, i am prepared to step in and comfort you.

翻译:别担心 咱俩是泛泛之交 我会倾听并安慰你的。

12. That is, we've gone from four to eight years of education to 12 years of formal education, and 52 percent of Americans have actually experienced some type of tertiary education.

翻译:就是说,我们已经从4至8年的教育 进步到 12 年的正规教育, 52%的美国人 接受了专科以上的高等教育。

13. You're saying because you have enjoyed tertiary education and have come from the upper segment of society.

翻译:你这么说是因为你自为是 受过高等教育 出入什么上流社会。

14. A year later i went to college communal and managed a tertiary degree.

翻译:一年后,我上了大学 社区和管理的大专学历。

15. They are tertiary education and a higher income, which tends to go with tertiary education.

翻译:即高等教育, 和较高的收入,这样的人 也往往愿意与高学历的人结婚。




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