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woven是什么意思 woven的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-02 04:00:17
  • 125

woven是什么意思 woven的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:These are woven in Algeria but the silk, i don't know, is of mythical quality.

翻译:这是在阿尔及利亚编织的 These are woven in Algeria 而这丝绸 不知产地 简直是人间极品 but the silk, I don't know, is of mythical quality.。



例句:it is in these threads that are being woven into a resilient fabric that will sustain communities, that i find hope.

翻译:就是在这些被 编织到一块强硬织布的, 会支持社区的线条里, 我找到了希望。



例句:The fatal pattern of love woven between teacher and student!

翻译:你好,九能前辈 别随便叫我,早乙女乱马。



例句:This rug's woven ideal for the home of the biggest American millionaire.

翻译:这个毯子是手工编织的... ...是最有钱的美国富翁家里的理想之物。



woven一般作为动词使用,如在endless woven felt(无端毛毯)、glass woven fabric(玻璃纤维布)、grass woven products(草编织品)等常见短语中出现较多。

endless woven felt无端毛毯
glass woven fabric玻璃纤维布
grass woven products草编织品
hand woven fabric手工梭织物
endless woven felt无端毛毯
fleecy nonwoven textile起绒式非织物
flushable nonwoven fabric可冲洗性非织物
glass woven fabric玻璃纤维布


1. The fatal pattern of love woven between teacher and student!

翻译:你好,九能前辈 别随便叫我,早乙女乱马。

2. This rug's woven ideal for the home of the biggest American millionaire.

翻译:这个毯子是手工编织的... ...是最有钱的美国富翁家里的理想之物。

3. "One blanket the color of peaches, woven at home by my dear sister."


4. Soon this trickle of blood, these few bones, this net woven of nerves and arteries will be dust.

翻译:不可能的 不久之后我的血和肉 神经网络和骨头,都会化成灰。

5. She lays the baby in a woven basket, head facing the warming fire.

翻译:她把宝宝放入一个编织的篮子中, 面朝着温暖的炉火。

6. These woven blankets are quite likely to end up in Los Angeles or London.


7. We, like all other species on this planet, are inextricably woven into the history of life on this planet.

翻译:我们,就像这颗星球上其他物种一样, 在一点一点编织着 这颗星球上关于生命的历史。

8. Hair woven into the mono filaments is Beverly's;


9. Personally, i love handicrafts, especially handicrafts that are woven around a story.

翻译:我本身就很喜欢手工艺品, 尤其是有故事底蕴 的手工艺品。

10. When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand.

翻译:当你戴上了这条织带 整个城市就握在你手中。

11. That is a sail woven from the last remaining feathers of the great creature pegasus.

翻译:用伟大的飞马仅剩的羽毛 制作的船帆。

12. it is in these threads that are being woven into a resilient fabric that will sustain communities, that i find hope.

翻译:就是在这些被 编织到一块强硬织布的, 会支持社区的线条里, 我找到了希望。

13. it's woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives.


14. Woven into the barbed wire, uh, were branches of pine trees.

翻译:这就是大家所说的'伪装' 有20个犹太人组成的'伪装小队' 他们每天都会带来新的树枝。

15. Woven of dreams Warm as a sweater

翻译:♫ 梦的外套 暖如毛衣。




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