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signified是什么意思 signified的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-12 10:19:02
  • 99

signified是什么意思 signified的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Things that they started doing themselves -- like changing the floor going into the patient's room so that it signified, "This is my room. This is my personal space" -- was a really interesting sort of design solution to the problem.

翻译:他们自发的、在做的事情—— 比如把病房门口的地板改掉 以显示说“这是我的房间。这是我的私人空间”—— 是个对问题很有趣的解答。



例句:Our past appeared frozen in the distance, and our every gesture signified negation of the old world and the reach for a new one.

翻译:我们的过去消失在远方 我们的每一个手势和口音... 意味著对过去的否定和对未来的向往。



例句:The signifier is the real signified!

翻译:一种语言学理论,语言有两个组成部分: 所指和能指; 所指即文字 能指即此文字对应的符号或概念哪的话!"所指"正是"能指"的真正体现。



例句:Because she took such an interest, she discovered a tiny nodule... which in reality signified nothing but gave us no choice... but to put a person with tendinitis through an expensive and painful test.

翻译:因为她非常感兴趣,所以发现了另一个很小的节结... 虽然实际上没有表示任何迹象 们没有选择... 只能对她进行昂贵和疼痛的测试 来确定她是腱炎。





1. The signifier is the real signified!

翻译:一种语言学理论,语言有两个组成部分: 所指和能指; 所指即文字 能指即此文字对应的符号或概念哪的话!"所指"正是"能指"的真正体现。

2. Because she took such an interest, she discovered a tiny nodule... which in reality signified nothing but gave us no choice... but to put a person with tendinitis through an expensive and painful test.

翻译:因为她非常感兴趣,所以发现了另一个很小的节结... 虽然实际上没有表示任何迹象 们没有选择... 只能对她进行昂贵和疼痛的测试 来确定她是腱炎。

3. Things that they started doing themselves -- like changing the floor going into the patient's room so that it signified, "This is my room. This is my personal space" -- was a really interesting sort of design solution to the problem.

翻译:他们自发的、在做的事情—— 比如把病房门口的地板改掉 以显示说“这是我的房间。这是我的私人空间”—— 是个对问题很有趣的解答。

4. Now using this method with our malaria samples, we were able to find out what the mosquito was detecting, and we found the malaria-associated compounds, mainly aldehydes, a group of compounds that smelled, that signified the malaria signal here.

翻译:用同样的方法来处理疟疾样本 能让我们知道蚊子侦测到了什么。我们发现和疟疾相关的一些 化学成分,主要是醛类化合物, 这些化合物发出气味, 传达了疟疾在这里的信号。

5. "and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John,


6. it signified the failed attempt at the revolution


7. in fact, most of the side streets even with their name, and for good measure, also a couple of landmarks, some of them signified by little symbols, others by these isometric three-dimensional bird's-eye-view drawings.

翻译:事实上我甚至标注了大部分街道的名称, 并且为了增加准确度,我也标注了一些地标, 有一些被小的符号标记, 另外的标上等大的三维 鸟瞰图。

8. "and in the end, signified nothing."

翻译:到头来却毫无意义 [选自戏剧《麦克白》]。

9. You have signified unto our community


10. it signified the journey that had to be made to find the light of truth.

翻译:象征了去寻找真理之光 必须经过的旅程。




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