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Payload是什么意思 Payload的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:42:11
  • 27

Payload是什么意思 Payload的读音、翻译、用法



1. The packet header adds extra overhead to the network traffic, affecting the efficiency of the payload transmission. (数据包头会增加网络流量的开销,影响有效载荷传输的效率。)

2. The spacecraft's payload includes various scientific instruments for studying the atmosphere of Mars. (这个宇宙飞船的载荷包括各种科学仪器,用于研究火星的大气。)

3. The network protocol must be able to handle the transmission of large payloads efficiently. (网络协议必须能够高效地处理大型有效载荷的传输。)

4. The satellite's payload is designed for remote sensing and communication purposes. (卫星的载荷设计用于远程感测和通信。)

5. The drone's payload capacity is 2kg, which is sufficient for carrying a small camera. (这个无人机的载荷容量为2公斤,足以携带一个小型相机。)

6. The payload of the includes a satellite and some equipment for space exploration. (这枚火箭的载荷包括一个卫星和一些太空探测设备。)

7. The message payload is encrypted to ensure secure communication between the sender and receiver. (消息有效载荷被加密以确保发送者和接收者之间的安全通信。)

8. The aircraft's payload of medical supplies and personnel was dispatched to the disaster area. (医疗物资和人员的飞机载荷已被派往灾区。)

9. The payload delivered by the drone contained essential supplies for the remote village. (无人机传递的有效载荷包含了偏远村庄所需的生活必需品。)


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