1. Diadromus的迁徙是一项重要的生态现象,对生态稳定性和生物多样性有着重要的影响。(英文:The migration of diadromous species is an important ecological phenomenon that has significant impacts on ecosystem stability and biodiversity.)
2. 鳟鱼是一种重要的Diadromus鱼类,它们可以在淡水和海水之间迁徙。(英文:Trout is an important diadromous fish that can migrate between fresh and saler.)
3. Diadromus的迁徙需要一定的生态条件,如水温、流速等。(英文:The migration of diadromous species requires certain ecological conditions, such as water temperature and flow rate.)
4. 一些Diadromus鱼类在迁徙中需要克服各种障碍,如水坝、堤坝等。(英文:Some diadromous fish need to overcome various obstacles, such as dams and levees, during migration.)
5. Diadromus甲壳类动物的繁殖需要特定的水文条件,如水位、水流、潮汐等。(英文:The breeding of diadromous crustaceans requires specific hydrological conditions, such as water level, flow rate, and tides.)
6. 一些Diadromus两栖动物在孵化后需要迁徙到水源中,寻找适合的栖息地。(英文:Some diadromous amphibians need to migrate to water sources after hatching to find suitable habitats.)
7. Diadromus鱼类的迁徙对渔业有着重要的影响,需要加强对其保护和管理。(英文:The migration of diadromous fish has significant impacts on fisheries and requires strengthened protection and management.)
8. Diadromus两栖动物的生态服务价值越来越被人们认识到,需要加强保护和管理。(英文:The ecological service value of diadromous amphibians is increasingly recognized and requires strengthened protection and management.)
9. 小型水电站建设对Diadromus鱼类迁徙产生了不良影响,需要采取措施保护它们的生存。(英文:The construction of small hydropower plants has had adverse effects on the migration of diadromous fish and measures need to be taken to protect their survival.)
'Bill Russell'这个词语来源于英语,在中文中通常翻译为“比尔·拉塞尔”,是美国历史上最杰出的篮球运动员和教练之一,拥有11个NBA总冠军和5次MVP奖项。以下是9个含有'Bill Russell'的英语例句及其中文翻译:
'Zhang Ailing'是中国的词语,可以翻译为“张爱玲”。张爱玲是一位著名的现代女作家,作品涉及小说、剧本、散文等。她的作品风格清新独特,充满了细腻的情感和独到的见解,对于中国现代文学的发展产生了重要的影响。