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Gypsophila是什么意思 Gypsophila的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:42:40
  • 33

Gypsophila是什么意思 Gypsophila的读音、翻译、用法



1. Gypsophila paniculata is often used in mixed borders for its cloud-like flowers.(滨菊花常用于混合疆界的云状花朵。)

2. The flowers of Gypsophila elegans are sweetly fragrant and make excellent cut flowers.(胡芦巴的花香甜美,非常适合做切花。)

3. Gypsophila cerastioides is a low-growing species that is ideal for rock gardens.(胡芦巴雪地花是一种矮生的植物,非常适合种植在石头花园中。)

4. Gypsophila muralis is a delicate-looking plant that is actually quite tough and drought-resistant.(墙滨菊花看起来很娇嫩,但实际上相当坚韧和抗旱。)

5. Gypsophila scorzonerifolia has attractive silver-green foliage and tiny pink or white flowers.(根菜滨菊花有吸引人的银绿色叶子和小粉色或白色花朵。)

6. Gypsophila repens is a creeping species that is often used as a groundcover or in hanging baskets.(滨菊花地锦是一种爬行植物,常用作覆盖地面或种植在悬挂篮中。)

7. Gypsophila paniculata 'Bristol Fairy' is a popular cultivar with double white flowers.(布里斯托尔仙子是滨菊花的一个受欢迎的品种,有双重的白色花朵。)

8. Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden' has pink flowers that fade to white as they age.(科芬特花园是胡芦巴的一个品种,花朵呈淡粉色,随着时间的推移会褪成白色。)

9. Gypsophila cerastioides 'Pixie Splash' is a dwarf plant with pink and white flowers.(小精灵花是胡芦巴的一个侏儒品种,有粉色和白色的花朵。)


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