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Glossina palpalis是什么意思 Glossina palpalis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-07 08:57:13
  • 66

Glossina palpalis是什么意思 Glossina palpalis的读音、翻译、用法

'Glossina palpalis'是英语中的一个词语,翻译成中文是“棕蝇”,是指一种食人血的蝇类,主要分布在非洲的热带地区,是非洲人类伊蚊疾病传播的重要媒介之一。

以下是9个含有“Glossina palpalis”的例句:

1. The bite of Glossina palpalis can transmit African sleeping sickness.(棕蝇的叮咬可以传播非洲嗜睡病。)

2. The eradication of Glossina palpalis is essential to control the spread of sleeping sickness.(消灭棕蝇对于控制嗜睡病的传播至关重要。)

3. Glossina palpalis is attracted to the smell of humans and animals.(棕蝇被人类和动物的气味吸引。)

4. The Glossina palpalis population has decreased significantly due to effective control measures.(有效的控制措施使棕蝇种群显著减少。)

5. Scientists are studying the genetics of Glossina palpalis to develop new control strategies.(科学家正在研究棕蝇的基因,以开发新的控制策略。)

6. Glossina palpalis has a long proboscis, which it uses to extract blood from its host.(棕蝇有一个长长的口吻,用来从寄主体内吸取血液。)

7. The presence of Glossina palpalis is a major public health concern in many African countries.(棕蝇的存在在许多非洲国家是一个重要的公共卫生问题。)

8. The use of insecticides has been effective in reducing the Glossina palpalis population.(使用杀虫剂在减少棕蝇种群方面效果良好。)

9. Due to the high transmission rate of sleeping sickness, it is important to monitor Glossina palpalis populations.(由于嗜睡病的高传播率,监测棕蝇种群是非常重要的。)


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