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Kenneth Waltz是什么意思 Kenneth Waltz的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-27 07:51:39
  • 60

Kenneth Waltz是什么意思 Kenneth Waltz的读音、翻译、用法

'Kenneth Waltz'这个词语来源于英语,是美国著名国际关系学者肯尼斯·沃尔兹(Kenneth Neal Waltz)的名字。

常见翻译:Kenneth Waltz(音译为肯尼斯·沃尔兹)



1. Kenneth Waltz’s “Theory of International Politics” has had an immense impact on the study of international relations.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹的《国际理论》对国际关系研究产生了巨大的影响。)

2. In his works, Kenneth Waltz argued that international anarchy was a fundamental driving force behind state behavior.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹在其著作中认为国际无状态是国家行为背后的基本推动力。)

3. Kenneth Waltz’s neorealism emphasizes the importance of power and security in shaping international relations.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹的新现实主义强调了权力和安全在塑造国际关系中的重要性。)

4. Kenneth Waltz argued that the structure of the international system shapes state behavior.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹认为国际体系的结构塑造了国家的行为。)

5. According to Kenneth Waltz, states in an anarchic international system are driven by a desire for security.(根据肯尼斯·沃尔兹的观点,在国际无状态下,国家的行为受到对安全的渴求的驱动。)

6. Kenneth Waltz’s neorealism argues that states are rational actors driven by their own self-interest.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹的新现实主义认为,国家是理性行动者,受到自身利益的驱动。)

7. Kenneth Waltz’s argument that the structure of the international system shapes state behavior is a key feature of neorealism.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹认为国际体系的结构塑造了国家的行为,是新现实主义的重要特征。)

8. Kenneth Waltz’s “Theory of International Politics” is considered a classic work in the field of international relations.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹的《国际理论》被认为是国际关系领域的经典著作。)

9. The neorealism of Kenneth Waltz is often contrasted with neoliberalism, which emphasizes the role of international institutions and cooperation in shaping international relations.(肯尼斯·沃尔兹的新现实主义经常与新自由主义相比较,后者强调国际制度和合作在塑造国际关系中的作用。)


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