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Orgyia pseudotsugata是什么意思 Orgyia pseudotsugata的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-24 09:51:38
  • 44

Orgyia pseudotsugata是什么意思 Orgyia pseudotsugata的读音、翻译、用法

'Orgyia pseudotsugata'是拉丁语,意为“模拟树北美绒蚕”,是一种美洲毛蚊科的昆虫,主要分布在北美洲。它们的幼虫有毒,可以造成皮肤过敏和呼吸问题。



1. I saw an 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar on the tree.(我在树上看到了一只模拟树北美绒蚕的幼虫。)

2. As the 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar's hair is poisonous, we should keep away from it.(由于模拟树北美绒蚕的毛发是有毒的,我们应该避开它。)

3. The 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar can cause skin irritation and breathing problems, so we need to wear gloves when handling them.(模拟树北美绒蚕的幼虫可以引起皮肤过敏和呼吸问题,因此我们处理时需要戴手套。)

4. The 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' moth is a beautiful insect, but its larvae is deadly.(模拟树北美绒蚕的蛾子是一种美丽的昆虫,但它的幼虫是致命的。)

5. If you come into contact with an 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar, wash the affected area with soap and water immediately.(如果你接触了模拟树北美绒蚕的幼虫,应立即用肥皂和水清洗受影响的区域。)

6. The 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar has a unique defense mechanism, which is releasing toxic hairs when threatened.(模拟树北美绒蚕的幼虫具有独特的防御机制,在受到威胁时会释放有毒的毛发。)

7. The 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar is often mistaken for a harmless worm due to its small size and fuzzy appearance.(由于模拟树北美绒蚕幼虫的体型较小,外观呈毛茸茸的,常被误认为是一种无害的虫子。)

8. The 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' moth lays its eggs on the needles of conifer trees, providing a safe and abundant food source for its larvae.(模拟树北美绒蚕的蛾子会在针叶树的针叶上产,为其幼虫提供安全且丰富的食物源。)

9. Because of its toxic nature, the 'Orgyia pseudotsugata' caterpillar is considered a pest and can cause significant damage to conifer forests.(由于其具有毒性,模拟树北美绒蚕的幼虫被视为害虫,能够对针叶林造成重大影响。)


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