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Disostosis cleidocraneal是什么意思 Disostosis cleidocraneal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-28 09:59:15
  • 40

Disostosis cleidocraneal是什么意思 Disostosis cleidocraneal的读音、翻译、用法

'Disostosis cleidocraneal'是英语词语,中文翻译为“锁骨颅骨病”。


以下是含有'disostosis cleidocraneal'的9个例句:

1. People with disostosis cleidocraneal often have abnormal facial features.(患有锁骨颅骨病的人通常有异常的面部特征。)

2. Disostosis cleidocraneal affects the development of bones in the skull and face.(锁骨颅骨病影响头骨和面部骨骼的发育。)

3. The diagnosis of disostosis cleidocraneal usually requires genetic testing.(锁骨颅骨病的诊断通常需要遗传测试。)

4. Treatment for disostosis cleidocraneal varies depending on the severity of the condition.(锁骨颅骨病的治疗因病情严重程度而异。)

5. Disostosis cleidocraneal can cause dental problems such as delayed eruption or missing teeth.(锁骨颅骨病会导致牙齿问题,如延迟生长或缺失牙齿。)

6. Disostosis cleidocraneal is a rare genetic disorder that affects bone development.(锁骨颅骨病是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,影响骨骼发育。)

7. The signs and symptoms of disostosis cleidocraneal can vary widely from person to person.(锁骨颅骨病的症状和体征因人而异。)

8. It is important to have genetic counseling for families affected by disostosis cleidocraneal.(对受锁骨颅骨病影响的家庭进行遗传咨询非常重要。)

9. Disostosis cleidocraneal is usually diagnosed based on clinical features and radiographic findings.(锁骨颅骨病通常是基于临床特征和放射学发现进行诊断的。)


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