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abismal是什么意思 abismal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-31 09:33:55
  • 41

abismal是什么意思 abismal的读音、翻译、用法



1. The weather was abismal, with heavy rain and strong winds.(天气极度糟糕,有大雨和强风。)

2. The company's financial performance was abismal last quarter.(公司上季度的财务表现很糟糕。)

3. The team's defense was abismal, allowing the opponent to score six goals.(该队的防守非常糟糕,让对手打进了六个球。)

4. The service at the restaurant was abismal, with slow and rude waiters.(餐厅的服务质量很糟糕,服务员慢而且不礼貌。)

5. The road conditions were abismal, with potholes and cracks everywhere.(道路的状况很糟糕,到处都是坑洼和裂缝。)

6. The test results were abismal, with most of the students failing.(考试结果很糟糕,大部分学生都没有及格。)

7. The customer reviews of the product were abismal, with many complaints about its quality.(该产品的客户评价很糟糕,有很多抱怨它的质量。)

8. The team's morale was abismal after losing five games in a row.(该队连续输了五场比赛后,士气非常低落。)

9. The air quality in the city was abismal, with high levels of pollution.(该城市的空气质量很糟糕,染物含量很高。)


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