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Dinophysis是什么意思 Dinophysis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-13 11:27:44
  • 165

Dinophysis是什么意思 Dinophysis的读音、翻译、用法


1. Dinophysis acuminata是伊比利亚半岛上一种常见的产毒藻类,可以引起贝类中毒。

(Dinophysis acuminata is a common toxic dinoflagellate on the Iberian Peninsula that can cause shellfish poisoning.)

2. 许多来源于温带到极地区域的海产品被发现是由'Dinophysis'藻类引起的食品中毒。

(Many seafoods sourced from temperate to polar regions have been found to be contaminated with toxins produced by Dinophysis species.)

3. 'Dinophysis'藻类是造成红潮事件的主要原因之一。

(Dinophysis species are one of the main causes of harmful algal blooms.)

4. 国际毒素标准化组织正在研究不同'Dinophysis'物种所产生毒素之间的差异。

(The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea is investigating differences in toxins produced by different Dinophysis species.)

5. 'Dinophysis'的生长需要光合作用和适当的养分,这也是它们在海洋食物网中扮演的角色。

(Dinophysis growth requires photosynthesis and appropriate nutrients, which are also their roles in marine food webs.)

6. 许多'Dinophysis'物种需要养分过剩和水温升高等恶劣环境条件才能迅速繁殖。

(Many Dinophysis species require adverse environmental conditions, such as excessive nutrients and elevated water temperatures, to rapidly reproduce.)

7. 'Dinophysis'藻类产生的毒素会对神经系统造成损害。

(Toxins produced by Dinophysis species can cause damage to the nervous system.)

8. 许多国家监测海洋中'Dinophysis'藻类的分布和毒素含量,以确保海产品的安全。

(Many countries monitor the distribution and toxin levels of Dinophysis species in oceans to ensure the safety of seafood.)

9. 近年来,因'Dinophysis'藻类所导致的毒素染已经成为全球范围内的公共卫生问题。

(In recent years, toxin contamination caused by Dinophysis species has become a global public health issue.)


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