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Pelargonium peltatum是什么意思 Pelargonium peltatum的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-16 04:59:34
  • 77

Pelargonium peltatum是什么意思 Pelargonium peltatum的读音、翻译、用法

1. 这个词语是英语单词,它的中文翻译是“匍匐天竺葵”。

2. Pelargonium peltatum是草本植物天竺葵属中的一种,又称匍匐天竺葵。它的茎可以长达2米,叶子呈心形或五角形,花色丰富,常用于观赏和香料等用途。

3. 例句:

- This hanging basket is filled with Pelargonium peltatum that blooms all summer long.(这个悬挂花盆里盛放着整个夏天都会开花的匍匐天竺葵。)

- I love the fragrance of Pelargonium peltatum in my garden.(我喜欢我花园里的匍匐天竺葵的芳香。)

- The leaves of Pelargonium peltatum are edible and can be used as a flavoring in salads.(匍匐天竺葵的叶子可以食用,用于沙拉的佐料。)

- Pelargonium peltatum was introduced to Europe in the 18th century and quickly became popular.(18世纪,匍匐天竺葵被引入欧洲,很快就变得很受欢迎。)

- The vibrant colors of Pelargonium peltatum make it a favorite of gardeners everywhere.(匍匐天竺葵鲜艳的颜色使其成为各地园艺爱好者的最爱。)

- Pelargonium peltatum is easy to grow and requires minimal maintenance.(匍匐天竺葵易于生长,需要很少的维护。)

- A hanging basket of Pelargonium peltatum is a great addition to any porch or patio.(一个盛放匍匐天竺葵的悬挂花篮是任何门廊或露台的绝佳装饰。)

- Pelargonium peltatum is also known as ivy-leaved pelargonium because of its ivy-like leaves.(匍匐天竺葵也被称为长青天竺葵,因为它的叶子类似常青藤。)

- The scent of Pelargonium peltatum is said to repel mosquitoes and other insects.(据说匍匐天竺葵的气味可以驱赶蚊子和其他昆虫。)


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