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TAC是什么意思 TAC的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-16 13:28:03
  • 152

TAC是什么意思 TAC的读音、翻译、用法

'TAC'不是一种语言,而是一种缩写,通常表示“技术访问协议”(Technical Assistance Agreement)。



1. Our company has signed a TAC with the Japanese firm to provide technical assistance for our new product line.(我们公司已与日本公司签订了TAC,向我们的新产品线提供技术支持。)

2. The TAC between the two companies includes provisions for training, equipment leasing and patent licensing.(两家公司的TAC包括培训、设备租赁和专利许可等条款。)

3. The TAC must be approved by the government before it can be implemented.(TAC必须经过批准才能实施。)

4. The TAC specifies the terms and conditions under which the technical assistance will be provided.(TAC规定了技术支持提供的条款和条件。)

5. In order to obtain the necessary technology, our company had to negotiate a TAC with the foreign firm.(为了获取必要的技术,我们公司不得不与外国公司谈判一份TAC。)

6. The TAC allows for the transfer of proprietary technology between the two companies.(TAC允许两家公司之间进行专有技术的转移。)

7. Our company's engineers will travel to the foreign firm's headquarters as part of the TAC.(我们公司的工程师将前往外国公司的总部作为TAC的一部分。)

8. The TAC is valid for five years and may be renewed upon expiration.(TAC有效期为五年,到期后可以续签。)

9. Both companies are bound by the terms of the TAC and must fulfill their respective obligations.(两家公司都受TAC的条款约束,必须履行各自的义务。)


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