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Hulk是什么意思 Hulk的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-26 01:04:10
  • 95

Hulk是什么意思 Hulk的读音、翻译、用法





1. The Hulk is one of the strongest superheroes in the Marvel universe.(绿巨人是漫威宇宙中最强的超级英雄之一。)

2. My car broke down and it took a hulk of a man to lift it up.(我的车抛锚了,需要一个巨大的人才能把它举起来。)

3. She's a hulk of a woman, standing over six feet tall.(她是一个巨大的女人,高过六英尺。)

4. After lifting those heavy weights, my muscles feel like the hulk's.(举重练习后,我的肌肉感觉像绿巨人一样强壮。)

5. The old building was demolished by a giant hulk of a machine.(那个老建筑被一台巨大的机器拆除了。)

6. The football player was a hulk on the field, easily pushing past his opponents.(这位足球运动员是场上的巨无霸,在轻松地推开对手。)

7. The hulk of a tree fell down during the storm, blocking the road.(暴风雨中一棵巨大的树倒下来,挡住了道路。)

8. She looked at the hulk of a sandwich and wondered how she could finish it.(她看着那个巨无霸的三明治,不知道该如何把它吃完。)

9. The crowd cheered as the wrestler lifted his opponent over his head like the Hulk.(观众为摔跤手将对手举起来像绿巨人一样而欢呼。)


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