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dragon是什么意思 dragon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-15 06:41:07
  • 128

dragon是什么意思 dragon的读音、翻译、用法



1. The dragon breathed fire and smoke.(龙吐出火和烟。)

2. In Chinese mythology, dragons are symbols of power and good fortune.(在中国神话中,龙象征着力量和好运。)

3. The knight fought bravely against the dragon.(骑士勇敢地对抗着龙。)

4. The dragon guarded the treasure deep inside the cave.(龙守卫着深藏在洞的宝藏。)

5. The dragon dance is a traditional performance in many Asian cultures.(龙舞是许多亚洲文化中的传统表演。)

6. The dragon's roar ecd through the mountains.(龙的咆哮回荡在山间。)

7. The dragon tattoo on his arm looked fierce and impressive.(他手臂上的龙纹身看起来威猛而印象深刻。)

8. The dragon boat race is a popular sport in many countries.(龙舟比赛是许多国家的流行体育运动。)

9. The dragonfly is not related to dragons, but its name is inspired by the mythical creature.(蜻蜓跟龙没有关系,但它的名字是受到神话生物的启发而来的。)


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